Another update on Ross – today the National Guard went through the campus condemning the dorms. Ross has been there since the tornado hit, helping clean up, bag and tag items from dorms, etc. So he was walking around with the National Guard. They got to his dorm and condemned it. But then one National Guard asked Ross – if you could have three things out of your room, what would you want? Ross said – my hard drive, my acoustic guitar, and my bass guitar. Then the Guard proceeded to get those things for Ross. Of course, Ross was elated. But as he began to think about what all was LEFT in his room that he would not be able to recover, I think he grieved. I guess up until the “condemnation” there was always that chance that he would be able to get things out. Now they are gone forever. He will be with us on February 15 and you can imagine what a reunion that will be! However, the church of one of his frat brothers took up a collection and sent it down and Ross was able to go buy some clothes last night. Another frat brother (graduated years ago and doesn’t even know Ross) told Ross to go and get his car fixed (the dent and broken window) and bring him the bill!
We continued to be amazed at our God but not surprised!
Here is a moving tribute to what happened at Union!
P.S. If you would like to send Ross a card please email me for his address and phone number!