Monday, September 8, 2008

The thrill of going home

Sorry I have been so lazy about writing on the blog. I have just had so many projects in the works, I really haven't been able to make the time. Even this one will be short.

Rick and I will be heading back to the states the first of October for about six weeks. We are so excited about seeing our children and family and friends. It is hard to be caught between two worlds. We live here in Singapore and we love it. But it has not quite become "home" for me yet. I haven't hung any pictures. I still haven't made our apartment "home" yet. Still, when we go to the states, we will be living in a hotel - that's not home either. We don't really have a home there. We will be with our children or family some - but that still isn't home for us. It's a weird place to be.

But we will be together - and that will be home enough I guess.

Our family tradition is to begin playing Christmas music on October 1. I'll be on a plane. No Christmas music for me. That's weird and sad, too.

Funny what makes something home.