Wednesday, May 21, 2008

On to other things...

Well, that about does it for our trip to Israel. As one of my daughters says - I've about beat that dead horse long enough! But I just wanted to share with you the pics and my thoughts about the whole trip PLUS some historical and biblical references. I would encourage you if you ever get the chance to go to Israel - DO IT! I'll tell you why. Yesterday morning I was reading in my daily Bible reading and got to the part in Matthew where Jesus fed the 5000! Wow. I could picture it. I had seen it. I had been there. And it all took on a whole new meaning - a new reality that I have never known before. It was an incredible feeling.

Now, I am writing this from Nashville (just to catch you up with where I am). Someone suggested that I put the application "Where I am Now" on my facebook page. Incredibly, there was such an application and I DID put it on. We have traveled so much already during 2008 and it isn't even June. But what a wonderful adventure with the Lord.

I can't imagine this adventure (at my age) without Him. He is my Rock. From Him comes all of my strength. This is the day that He has made and I WILL rejoice and be glad in it!

Thanks for coming along the journey with me.