Monday, April 21, 2008

Sunday, April 12

My first trip to Israel! What a new adventure and one that will be written on my heart for eternity! Over the course of the next few days I will be sharing with you about our eight days in the Holy Land and all that we experienced. I hope to share pictures with you of our trip as well, so hold on tight. It will be quite a ride!

Our "ride" to Israel started with a two hour flight to Bangkok, Thailand. In all of our "flight history" we have never experienced such service as on Thai Airlines. The staff was so cordial and the seats were fantastic. It's a good thing because the next leg of the flight would prove to be more difficult! We flew from Bangkok to Tel Aviv on an eleven hour flight - probably one of the most uncomfortable seats have ever been in (I was by the window and Rick was in the middle by the "stranger"). The interesting thing was that although we had our own little television sets in front of us - at 1am all of them were turned off and everyone was just "expected" to go to sleep! I DON'T sleep on planes so you can only imagine the next few hours for me. They finally turned the sets back on about two hours before we landed - while we were having breakfast.

But we finally arrived and found the airport in Tel Aviv to be very nice. In spite of prior trips that Rick has made with long waiting lines at security, we made it out to our taxi in about an hour. He was surprised. We also met up with another family from our team so we all piled in a bus (taxi) together and headed UP to Jerusalem for the week of Passover! (Will try to get my photos uploaded today.)

John 2:13 says, " When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem." (NIV)